Thursday, December 21, 2006


pagi ini mo brangkat ke kantor
di depan ada demo seperti biasa bikin macet
skelompok ibu-ibu berjilbab beserta anak-anaknya
dan mereka membawa spanduk2 poligami halal, dan sejenisnya
KKG = Kesetaraan dan Keadilan Gender is bullshit.
aduh.. ibu-ibu
sejak kapan si cewe senang di madu?
aku ga emosi kalo yg demo cowo2..
setidaknya mereka mencoba membela haknya
tapi ini loh cewe2..
baru cuci otak di laundry ya?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

no excuses

aku begini
kamu begitu

kamu begitu
aku begini

aku begini
kamu begitu

Friday, December 01, 2006


sedikit saja

Monday, November 27, 2006

tobe or not tobe

there's day
i miss u
there's day
u miss me
or fortunately?
we never meant tobe one
or we ever meant tobe ?
wherever all of this lead to be
life is go on

Sunday, November 05, 2006

no excuses

hari ini iseng buka frenster.. nemu quote andre hari ini.
"Don't live your life making excuses, you're the one who decides how you live your life" -- Mugen
wah bener banget deh....
jadi inget waktu ngobrolin soal org2 indo yang abis dpt beasiswa ga mau balik lagi ke indo ama x-bosku. abis baca ttg pro kontra soal itu di milis beasiswa. walo obrolan yang berlangsung rasanya agak ga nyambung ya.. hehehe.. tapi aku jadi tahu opini publik rata-rata bilang, semua itu tergantung orangnya. hmm.. dan itu berarti: jangan salahkan keadaan..
Dan sebetulnya apa yang ada dalam pikiranku saat itu adalah berkaitan dgn salah satu quote lain, yang isinya kira-kira begini:
Carilah keadaan yang kamu inginkan, bila tidak kautemukan, maka ciptakanlah.
Cuman kalo dikaitkan dengan keadaan Indonesia saat ini, sampai sejauh mana yah kita mau berjuang untuk menciptakan keadaan yang kita inginkan. mulai dari gaji sepadan, yang berbuntut pada kesejahteraan, penghargaan terhadap kerja apapun yang kita lakukan, kebandelan untuk bilang tidak pada korupsi, nepotisme dan selanjutnya dan selanjutnya..sementara sekeliling akan terus menghujani dengan alasan-alasan tiada habis.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Blank Page

hari kedua masuk kantor..
bengong aja ga tau mo ngapain.
tadinya mo beresin file-file.
kok sekarang malah browsing frenster..

trus lagi asik baca-baca dan add some old friends
tiba-tiba baca ini di salah satu testi temenku.
"You are in a new country with a new life.
It is a blank page, and it is up to you now what you want to write on it!"

hmm .....
mungkin ini yah yang bikin aku begitu pengen ke luar negeri.
start a blank page
eventhough it's not a new life
just a continued journey

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

trust or believe ?

semalam nonton film "view from the top"
film ini menggarisbawahi suatu hal yang sudah dari dulu aku sadari kebenarannya.
bahwa kamu butuh seseorang yang secara membabibuta mempercayaimu, pendukungmu,
untuk bikin kamu percaya pada dirimu sendiri, untuk bikin dirimu berkembang.

dan ini memberi makna baru pada sebuah paragraf di sebuah majalah yang pernah kubaca...
" Orang yang berbagi hidup denganmu bisa jadi bukan orang yang engkau cintai. Tapi padanya engkau punya rasa percaya. Engkau percaya bahwa dengan dia engkau kuat.
Engkau percaya bahwa dia akan menjagamu. Engkau percaya bahwa kalian melihat ke titik yang sama. Engkau percaya bahwa engkau miliki hatinya. ... Suatu ketika engkau akan terkejut bahwa dengan percaya ternyata engkau mencintai juga..."

dan selama ini aku sadari bahwa aku miliki seseorang itu.
mungkin gak cuman satu, tapi sebetulnya ada dua atau tiga atau empat
how lucky i am.

so what am i waiting for?

Friday, September 22, 2006

(still not) fell in love

masih ingat yang ini

mendengar seorg Adam Levine memetik gitar
dan menyanyikan lagu ini untukku.
aduh..... lumer deh

tnyata salah seorang personilnya ada yang cabut..
humm pantesan lama banget ga denger lagu barunya :(

Friday, August 11, 2006


hey tahu gak..
aku baru pulang dari negeri gajah putih
baru pulang dari cuti dua minggu
hihi... gila nih mana ada tempat kerja kaya gini..
mungkin kucoba berhenti dan main-main sejenak

hei.. aku teringat banyak hal
pengen ikut ketika seseorg bilang aku mo jelajahi dunia
ikut dong!.. gak ah .. nanti kita berantem doang
aku janji jadi anak manis...
tetep ditolak..
hahaha.. liat siapa yg tersenyum lebar sekarang

hey.. setelah bikin papa ketinggalan pesawat
gara2 sepatu murahan di manggadua
banyak hal tiba2 menjadi jelas terlihat
aku masih membencinya
tapi sudah lebih kumengerti
sedikit2 dari semuanya

hey! berangkat dgn seorg sahabat
ternyata banyak hal diungkapkan
hari ini aku cemberut
esoknya dia yang cemberut
hahahaha.. maafkan karena aku cukup "sulit"

hey! ketemu sahabat lama
begitu heran tp mahfum melihat perubahannya
aku sudah mencoba sekuat tenaga
hanya untuk membuatnya tersenyum setiap saat seperti dulu
ternyata senyumku saja tidak cukup lagi sekarang
ah.. sudahlah
i wish she enjoy the ride

hey, akhirnya dijemput di airport
dan nginap semalam di sebuah rumah yang aduh mewahnya
setelah berhari-hari menggelandang ala backpacker
terharu rasanya..

hey!! seorg sahabat dari masa kecil
trus2an sms tiap hari nanyain kabar
agak heran.. tapi aku kirimkan kabar
tnyata dia cemas .. kalo2 terjadi apa2 padaku
apalagi kalo aku sendirian
ya ampunn... manisnya bu guru satu ini

heyyyy !!!
aku sudah menginjakkan kaki
di sydney, kualalumpur, bangkok, chiang mai, laos, myanmar, krabi, hatyai, ko phi phi, petaling jaya

u know what
i'm single
i'm happy

Ao Maya

I've crossed the deserts for miles
Swam water for time
Searching places to find
A piece of something to call mine (I'm comin', I'm comin')
A piece of something to call mine (I'm comin' comin' closer to you)

Ran along many moors
Walked through many doors
The place where I wanna be
Is the place I can call mine (I'm comin', I'm comin')
Is the place I can call mine (I'm comin' comin' closer to you)

I'm movin', I'm comin'
Can you hear what I hear?
It's calling you my dear out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it calling you
I'm comin' not drowning, swimming closer to you

Never been here before
I'm intrigued, I'm unsure
I'm searching for more
I've got something that's all mine (got something that's all mine)
I've got something that's all mine (got something that's all mine)

Take me somewhere I can breathe
I've got so much to see
This is where I want to be
In a place I can call mine (call mine)
In a place I can call mine (call mine)

I'm movin', I'm comin'
Can you hear what I hear?
It's calling you my dear out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it calling you
I'm comin' not drowning, swimming closer to you

Movin, Comin', can you hear what I hear? (Hear it out of reach)
I hear it calling you
Swimming closer to you

Many faces I have seen
Many places I have been
Walked the Deserts, swam the shores (Coming closer to you)
Many faces I have known
Many ways in which I've grown
Movin closer on my own (Coming closer to you)

I'm Movin, I feel it
I'm Comin, Not drowning
I'm Movin, I feel it
I'm Comin, Not drowning

Pure Shores by All Saints

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Questions, I've got some questions
I want to know you
But what if I could ask you only one thing
Only this one time, what would you tell me?
Well maybe you could give me a suggestion
So I could know you, what would you tell me?
Maybe you could tell me what to ask you
Because then I'd know you, what would you tell me
Please tell me that there's time
To make this work for all intents and purposes
And what are your intentions, will you try?
Impressions, you've made impressions
They're going nowhere
They're just going to wait here if you let them
Please don't let them
I want to know you
And if they're going to haunt me
Please collect them
Please just collect them
And now I'm begging
I'm begging you to ask me just one question
One simple question
Because then you'd know me
I'll tell you that there's time
To make this work for all intents and purposes
At least for my own
What is a heart worth if it's just left all alone?
Leave it long enough and watch it turn into stone
Why must we always be untrue?

jack johnson on curious george


apa kamu bayar kontrakan ini sendiri?
apa kamu bayar semua ongkosnya sendiri?
listrik, air, gas, telepon?
apa macam kerjamu di sby dan di jkt sama saja?
apa gajinya sama juga?
lalu kenapa gak kerja di sby aja?
bukannya segalanya lebih enak disana?
aku gak tahu harus merasa senang karena sakit radang tenggorokan
walo itu ga bisa menjadi alasan untuk tak menjawab semua pertanyaan itu
aku malah pusing
apa ya mauku?
mauku apa ya?
apa mauku ya?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Supposed To Be

Maybe it's up with the stars
Maybe it's under the sea
Maybe it's not very far
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be
This is how it's supposed to be
Maybe it's trapped in a jar
Something we've already seen
Maybe it's nowhere at all
Maybe this is how it's supposed to be
This is how it's supposed to be
Looking forward as we rewind
Looking back is a trap sometimes
Being here is so easy to do
If you want to

Jack Johnson at Curious George

Friday, June 30, 2006

resep ngembang

katanya sehari manusia membutuhkan sedikitnya empat pelukan agar bisa berkembang.
kayanya dalam setahun aku cuman menerima yaaahhh kurang lebih 11 pelukan, dua di antaranya tulus diberikan.. sisanya karena aku todong.
ini artinya aku mengalami defisit pelukan sebanyak (4x365)-11 pelukan = 1449 pelukan
di mana ya pelukan-pelukan ditebarkan?
aku butuh benihnya !

Monday, June 05, 2006

X & Y

What if there was no light
Nothing wrong, nothing right.
What if there was no time?
And no reason or rhyme.

What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side.
That you don't want me there in your life.

What if I got it wrong, and no poem or song
Could put right what I got wrong
Or make you feel I belong

What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life.

Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath try to hold it inside
Oooh, that's right
How can you know it if you don't even try
Oooh, that's right

Every step that you take
Could be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
But that's the risk that you take

What if you should decide
That you don't want me there in your life.
That you don't want me there by your side.

Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath try to hold it inside
Oooh, that's right
How can you know it when you don't even try
Oooh, that's right
Oooh, that's right
Let's take a breath try to hold it inside
Oooh, that's right
You know that darkness always turns into light
Oooh, that's right

what if by coldplay

Monday, May 29, 2006

home is there to be found

11th peanut garden 521
adalah rumah susun sederhana
walau perabotnya cukup lengkap :p
saat pertama menjejakkan kaki ke dalam
angan membayang sobat berkunjung
tidak terlalu jauh dari mana-mana
cukup mudah dicapai
suasana nyaman untuk bertukar cerita

namun 455 hari berlalu
dan masih banyak akan menyingsing
dengan jumlah hidung yang bisa dihitung
hanya dengan sebelah tangan
sedih mulai merembes dan cilukbah
kecewa selalu mengejutkan
ada yang salah kah?

kamis jumat sabtu minggu
termangu tergolek sakit sendiri
dalam ruang merajut bisu
tivi meletup radio brisik sunyi
hanya da vinci code temani

jumat sabtu minggu
saat malam mengintip
gulang guling gelisah
di hijau bersama sapi
ya ampun @!*gue ini sakit
napa kok ga bisa lelap !#@

senin subuh hampir pukul 5
kuregang badan penat ini
mengungkit pintu geser yang ogah
angin semilir subuh menerobos masuk
sejuknya damai
perlahan menyelusup ke seluruh pori
rasa ini tak terkatakan

kembali ke tumpukan
balikkan badan peluk guling
rebah dalam lelapku
home is there to be found
and finally
i know where it is

buat pengunjung yang sudah absen
makasih ya
paling enggak aku sudah sempat nyuguhi kopi
sering-sering aja
kopiku banyak kok

Friday, April 21, 2006

acung tangan

beberapa hari yang lalu
dari cakapcakap dengan seorang teman
tak kusangka blogku
(yang isinya kebanyakan hanya lirik lagu dan ungkapan rasa negatif)
ternyata banyak juga yang rajin mengunjunginya
ah mungkin kalian cuman pengen tahu kabar terbaruku aja
tapi males denger keluhkesahku secara langsung
atau hidupku emang selalu mencengangkan
jadi daripada sakit jantung mendadak
mending curi start.. cari info dari blog

aku jadi pengen ngabsen
ayo acungkan jarimu..
pengunjung blog ini
sayah mo hitung
dengan jarijari sayah

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Nothing I Do

We were so drunk last night,
We had that stupid fight,
You called me a useless selfish prick,
So I'm in a fix right now,
And we'll measure the truth somehow,
love is a funny thing to me,
then you stormed out and grabbed your coat,
while slamming shut the door,
a ruthless move so cold you left your keys inside the door Oh...

Can Nothing i do make you happy anymore,
nothin' i say put a smile onto your face,
can nothing i say bring us back together,
nothing i do put a smile onto your face.

Well Okay..

Next day i called you back,
and you called me a stupid twat,
and then you were crying on the phone,
you sounded so upset,
you said,i wasn't the man you'd met
3 years and 7 months ago

i pleaded with her take me back,
i'll change my sorry way
sso tell me why mysteriously im annoyed instead of shamed

Can Nothing i do make you happy anymore,
Can nothin' i say put a smile onto your face
nothing i do bring us back together
nothing i say put a smile onto your face

MMmmmm, Yeahhh
Im poundering it all after that call
i think it is clear
i am here, you're from another stratosphere
Oh, now all the things she said they went around my head
and come out my ear,
and not before long,
this stubborn soul thinks he's done no wrong.
As when the questions flutter 'round my head like butterflies,
my head spins at reflecting on another love's demise, Ohhhh

Can Nothing i do make you happy anymore,
nothin' i say put a smile onto your face
can nothing i do bring us back together
nothing i say put a smile onto your face,

Jamie Cullum at Sydney
10 04 06

Monday, April 17, 2006

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

I have climbed highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you
I have run
I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
I have kissed honey lips
Felt my healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
I believe in the kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
Well, yes I'm still running
You broke the bonds
And you loosed the chains
Carried the cross
Of my shame
Of my shame
You know I believed it
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for


balik ke tempat yg sucks
baru awal minggu ..
sudah terasa menyesakkan
try to keep the lights up
dont' know for how long

Saturday, April 08, 2006

first step

tonight i go to sydney
i'm so excited
a dream comes true
a mark on my journey

Monday, April 03, 2006


Here it comes again
Like the first time again
I cant sleep
I watch the rain
But im happy again
How can this be
Why did this feeling
Creep on up on me
I cant be sure
You never can
But the signs i know
Where does it come from
Where does it go
Why does it kill you
Painful and slow
Im out of the fire
Im into your home
I wanna feel you feel you feel you
Feel you again
It makes you a cheat
It makes you a liar
Step out of the fire
It gives a spring in the step
Smile on the face
Sing like a bird
Ya running the race again
What makes you bad
Makes you feel much better
Than you ever can
You cant touch it see it breathe it
Feel its all you can
It makes the world go round
It makes you homeward bound
It makes you want it more
You look around every corner
To see if theres more around
You wanna take it all its never quite enough
You know ya need it all
You wanna feel it feel it feel it feel it again
It'll kill you in the end
But not to have it
You havent lived
It will break you
Make you
Take you
Hate you again
From me to you
From you to me
Look out your window
And you will feel it feel it feel it feel it more
Here it comes again
That feeling again
I cant sleep
Sit and watch the rain
Again watch the rain


Friday, March 31, 2006

entah mengapa

entah mengapa aku begitu sedih
tiap kali engkau bercanda ria dengan tmn2 yg lain
entah mengapa aku mrasa sendiri
tiap kali engkau karaoke dengan tmn2 yg lain
entah mengapa aku resah di hati
tiap kali engkau makan bersama dengan tmn2 yg lain
entah mengapa ketika kau seakan acuh denganku
hari terasa sangat sepi

aku cuma pengen kamu lbh dekat denganku
kaya dulu waktu kita pertama baru kenal
apa aku kehilangan satu temanku lagi?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


u know what
i miss u ...
so much
till i'm upset
and burn my self

Thursday, February 16, 2006

to the end

i've learned ...
that life is like a roll of paper.
the closer it gets to the end,
the faster it goes.

maybe it's an end
too fast...
and all
and all
be prepared for a legacy